
Professionals exchange potential of biobased economy at Miscanthus Expo 2022 Amsterdam

Oktober 2022 Professionals exchange potential of biobased economy at Miscanthus Expo 2022 Amsterdam https://fb.watch/io_C8XwQfn/ At the Expo 2022, Strukton (Top 5 Infra construction company in the Netherlands) showed its Green Silence Wall, based on Miscanthus biomass based concrete. A product concept jointly realised with the patented Econcreed additive, which enables the processing of biomass into …

Professionals exchange potential of biobased economy at Miscanthus Expo 2022 Amsterdam Read More »

Miscanthus as promising biobased building material on TV!

September 2022 An interesting  topic on Dutch State TV (min 20.27) https://www.npostart.nl/AT_300002996  concluding the interesting potential of Miscanthus as a so called Super Climate Plant. One example showing 70 Ha’s currently farmed at the runway sides of Schiphol Airport Amsterdam. Apart from Miscanthus being a natural barrier to geese in both summer and winter (either …

Miscanthus as promising biobased building material on TV! Read More »

Critical sustainability megatrends that define the Future of Construction:

Critical sustainability megatrends that define the Future of Construction: (source: WEF june 2016)  Critical sustainability megatrends that define the Future of Construction:200.000 people are added daily  to urban areas in search of affordable housing and infrastructure. 30 % of global CO2 emissions are attributable to buildings. 50% of all solid waste in the US is …

Critical sustainability megatrends that define the Future of Construction: Read More »

June 2021, Corona Netherlands.

June 2021, Corona Netherlands. Corona for Econcreed gave a period of unsecurity for potential concrete producers in Europe, not knowing in which direction their business would further develop.Meantime developments and testing procedures where picked up again by all parties involved, confirming that the CO2 reduction proposition of Econcreed will create part of the answer towards increasing …

June 2021, Corona Netherlands. Read More »

April 2021, Catttail biomass pitch, the Netherlands

April 2021, Catttail biomass pitch, the Netherlands. End of April Econcreed was asked to pitch at the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture and Economy for an innovative product concept with integration of Cattail and Miscanthus as important Paludi culture crops. With the objective to intensify crop growth leading to higher waterlevels and therefore reduce the CO2 emission …

April 2021, Catttail biomass pitch, the Netherlands Read More »

November 18th 2019, Econcreed article in Belgian national newspaper HNL.

November 18th 2019, Econcreed article in Belgian national newspaper HNL. Econcreed was no.2 finalist at the ABN AMRO BANK Innovation Challenge in Construction. Out of 40 pitches and in front of 700 visitors and a professional jury, Econcreed was selected as most innovative biomass construction material for Residential, Utility and Infra. During a recent historic Royal …

November 18th 2019, Econcreed article in Belgian national newspaper HNL. Read More »

September 16th 2019, Econcreed at Project Drawdown, Pennsylvania University, Philadelphia, USA.

September 16th 2019, Econcreed at Project Drawdown, Pennsylvania University, Philadelphia, USA. Econcreed was invited by the Project Drawdown organization to pitch Econcreed in front of 1.000 international congress visitors as a best practice and leverage example how CO2 emission reduction can be realized in Residential, Utility and Infra construction. The week after Econcreed was invited to join the …

September 16th 2019, Econcreed at Project Drawdown, Pennsylvania University, Philadelphia, USA. Read More »

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